801 S. Fairmont AV STE 5
Lodi, CA 95240
209-334-2020 FAX 209-333-2015
We are excited to provide you professional Vision Care in a comfortable friendly environment. Yes, it
can be fun to have a vision exam in Lodi. We take your vision concerns very seriously and realize the
stress you may be under. Thus, we try to create a fun environment even though we work with serious
problems that affect you or your child's life.
We are looking forward to your call to schedule an appointment at your convenience.
can be fun to have a vision exam in Lodi. We take your vision concerns very seriously and realize the
stress you may be under. Thus, we try to create a fun environment even though we work with serious
problems that affect you or your child's life.
We are looking forward to your call to schedule an appointment at your convenience.
See the index below for faster navigation
Before you begin your journey
Just what is vision? Why do some eye doctors believe there is no relationship between vision and learning? It is simple. They have a limited definition of vision. Although many consider vision and eyesight to mean the same, the terms actually have different meanings. Vision has a strong relationship to learning, while eyesight has a minimal relationship to learning. |
Eyesight is just seeing clear pictures. It only consists of clarity of focus. It is like focusing a projector for clarity of the image. It pays no attention to whether the individual can understand what he clearly sees.
Vision includes getting meaning from the images we see. Bob Kraskin, OD, FCOVD defines vision as the deriving of meaning and the direction of action through the utilization of light energy. |
An eagle has sharper eyesight than us and sees a stop sign before us, but he would not have the vision (deriving of meaning) to understand that he must stop(direction of action). Vision is deriving meaning from our eyesight. In this case the meaning would be knowledge the stop sign means you have to stop your vehicle. |
The eagle is in danger; while we, with less acuity of eyesight, would have the vision (knowledge) to stop. Eyesight, although important, has a limited relationship with learning. The relationship is even backward. Nearsighted people, with worst eyesight, tend to be better students. We knew this since the 30's when the Dartmouth study found college students with better grades had the worst visual acuities (eyesight). Dartmouth students were studied to discover the relationship between vision and learning. Student grades were compared to their eyesight at a distance vision.
The data showed a negative relationship between eyesight and college grades. The research only measured eyesight, not vision. The results were miss-interpreted to say vision and learning was not related.
A close look shows how the study came out the way it did. They measured the student’s ability to see clearly at twenty feet, not at sixteen inches where they study. Since nearsighted people see clearly at sixteen inches, they would be the ones with better grades. The irony is that the excessive reading under pressure of getting good grades is what caused their nearsightedness.
Thus, as you navigate this website all content is based on the definition of vision to be the deriving of meaning and the direction of action through the utilization of light energy |
Index: to make your journey a little faster
Accommodative Infacility: More, Explan. & Videos about your vision, elevator problem kid
Acuvue Contacts: More, Studies and Articles, Acuvue Contact lenses Danger
ADD: Teacher Parent Info
AirRios air and surface disinfection: Our Practice, Facilities and Equipment
Astigmatism: More, Explanations and Videos about Your Vision, Astigmatism
Anisometropia: More, Explanations and Videos about your vision, anisometropia
Bifocal Adaption go to Services we provide, eyeglasses guide, Taming Your Bifocal
Binocular vision: More, Explanations and Videos about your vision, eyestrain
Baby Walkers: See Walkers Below
Book. Looking Across Mother's Shoulder: Bill's Books
Book. What Would Jesus See?: Bill's Books
Cataract: Explanations and Videos about your vision: cataracts
Classroom: Teacher Parent Info
Computer vision: More, Studies and Articles, Computer Vision
Community Care (For Veterans)Go to our practice, Insurance, VA's Community Care
Concussion Our Practice, Services we Provide, Concussion and Vision /Vision Therapy, Light Therapy
Contact Lenses: see the services we provide, Contact Lenses
Convergence Insufficiency: Vision Therapy
Counseling: More Studies and Articles, Vision and Counseling
COVID go to more, special events COVID and After
COVID Inconsistencies go to more, special events COVID and After
Crossed Eyes: Explanations and Videos About Your Diagnosis, esotropia
Digital Vision: More, Studies and Articles, Computer Vision, also Vision Therapy digital / computer vision
Diabetes: Studies and articles, Diabetic Diet
Dispensing glasses: Services We Provide
"Elevator problem", adult: Explanations and Videos about your vision, elevator problem adult
"Elevator problem", kid: Explanations and Videos about your vision, elevator problem kid
Employment opportunities: More, Special Events, Employment opportunities
Esotropia: More, Explanations and Videos about your vision, Esophoria / Esotropia (crossed eyes
Exotropia: More, Explanations and Videos about your vision, Exotropia/Wandering Eye
Extra Testing: Our practice So, you had extra testing...
Face masks for COVID: go to more, special events COVID and After
Farsightedness (hyperopia): More, Explanations and Videos about your vision, Farsightedness
Frequently Asked Questions: More, FAQ
Forms: go to More, Patient Forms
Go Play Outside Kids article: More, Studies and Articles, Miscellaneous articles
Heading Danger in Soccer: More, Studies and Articles, Heading In Soccer
Hygiene, Vision see vision Hygiene
Infant Vision: More, Studies and Articles, Infant Vision
Job Burn Out: More, WWJS Articles scroll down to Job Burn Out & Vision. It's even in the Bible.
Jolly Jumper: More, Studies and Articles, Infant Vision Also Miscellaneous Articles
Keratoconus: More, Explanations and Videos about your vision, Keratoconus
Kids play outside: More, Studies and Articles, Miscellaneous articles
LASIK: More, Studies and Articles, LASIK
Learning: Teacher Parent Info
Lens Therapy: More, Studies and Articles, Lens Therapy Explained
Light Therapy (Syntonics): More, Studies and Articles, Light Therapy
Looking Over Mother's Shoulder: Bill's Books
Maui Jim Go to Our Practice, Eyeglasses Guide, Maui Jim
Mask damage in schools": go to more, special events COVID and After
Mono Vision: More, Studies and Articles, Mono Vision Myth
Nearsightedness (myopia): More, Explanations about your diagnosis, Nearsightedness
Online glasses: Services We Provide, Eyeglasses Guide, Online Ordering
Patient Forms: go to More, Patient Forms
Pituitary tumor: Vision therapy, Light Therapy
Play outside: More, Studies and Articles, Vision Care Articles scroll to Play Outside kids.
Presbyopia: More, Explanations and Videos about Your Vision, Presbyopia
Progressive Additional Lenses (PAL): see more services we provide, Taming Your Bifocal
Research: about Vision Therapy: Vision Therapy
School eyesight screening: School Vision Screening Danger
Prop 65: Go to Services We Provide, Eyeglasses Guide, Prop 65
School Vision Screening Laws in CA: Teacher-Parent Info V
Side Vision: See Vision Fields
So you had extra testing: Our Practice, So you had extra testing
Soccer: More, Studies and Articles, Heading in Soccer
Sports: More, Studies and Articles
Strabismus esotropia (inward turn)More, Explanations and Videos about your vision, esotropia
Strabismus exotropia (outward turn)More, Explanations and Videos about your vision, exotropia
Strabismus Methods to treat: Methods to treat Eye turns
Testing, extra: Our practice So, you had extra testing...
Three Dimension Movies: More, Studies and Articles, 3-D Movies
Two-Step Program: Teacher-Parent info, 7 Steps to Protect Your Children's Vision From The Rigors of the Classroom
Value Plan: Our Practice, Eyeglasses Guide, Value Plan
Veterans: Go to our practice, Insurance, VA's Community Care
Vision Fields: Go to Vision Therapy Light Therapy
Vision Field Testing: Go to, Our Practice, So you had extra testing, Tests you had, Vision Field Testing
Vision Hygiene Go to Vision therapy then Lens therapy explained. Once there scroll to Vision Hygiene for Lens therapy
Vision Processing: Vision Therapy, VIP
Vision Processing Therapy Testing: Our Practice, So you had extra testing, tests you had, vision processing
Vision Therapy: Vision Therapy
Vision & Learning Month, August: promotions, National Vision and Learning MonthNational Vision and Learning Month
Walkers : More, Studies and Articles, Infant Vision Also Miscellaneous Articles
Wall eyes: Explanations and Videos About Your Diagnosis, exotropia
"Wandering Eye": Explanations and Videos About Your Diagnosis, exotropia
What Would Jesus See?: Bill's Books
What Would Jesus See Articles: More, WWJS Articles
What Would Jesus See Book (WWJS): Promotions WWJS Book
Acuvue Contacts: More, Studies and Articles, Acuvue Contact lenses Danger
ADD: Teacher Parent Info
AirRios air and surface disinfection: Our Practice, Facilities and Equipment
Astigmatism: More, Explanations and Videos about Your Vision, Astigmatism
Anisometropia: More, Explanations and Videos about your vision, anisometropia
Bifocal Adaption go to Services we provide, eyeglasses guide, Taming Your Bifocal
Binocular vision: More, Explanations and Videos about your vision, eyestrain
Baby Walkers: See Walkers Below
Book. Looking Across Mother's Shoulder: Bill's Books
Book. What Would Jesus See?: Bill's Books
Cataract: Explanations and Videos about your vision: cataracts
Classroom: Teacher Parent Info
Computer vision: More, Studies and Articles, Computer Vision
Community Care (For Veterans)Go to our practice, Insurance, VA's Community Care
Concussion Our Practice, Services we Provide, Concussion and Vision /Vision Therapy, Light Therapy
Contact Lenses: see the services we provide, Contact Lenses
Convergence Insufficiency: Vision Therapy
Counseling: More Studies and Articles, Vision and Counseling
COVID go to more, special events COVID and After
COVID Inconsistencies go to more, special events COVID and After
Crossed Eyes: Explanations and Videos About Your Diagnosis, esotropia
Digital Vision: More, Studies and Articles, Computer Vision, also Vision Therapy digital / computer vision
Diabetes: Studies and articles, Diabetic Diet
Dispensing glasses: Services We Provide
"Elevator problem", adult: Explanations and Videos about your vision, elevator problem adult
"Elevator problem", kid: Explanations and Videos about your vision, elevator problem kid
Employment opportunities: More, Special Events, Employment opportunities
Esotropia: More, Explanations and Videos about your vision, Esophoria / Esotropia (crossed eyes
Exotropia: More, Explanations and Videos about your vision, Exotropia/Wandering Eye
Extra Testing: Our practice So, you had extra testing...
Face masks for COVID: go to more, special events COVID and After
Farsightedness (hyperopia): More, Explanations and Videos about your vision, Farsightedness
Frequently Asked Questions: More, FAQ
Forms: go to More, Patient Forms
Go Play Outside Kids article: More, Studies and Articles, Miscellaneous articles
Heading Danger in Soccer: More, Studies and Articles, Heading In Soccer
Hygiene, Vision see vision Hygiene
Infant Vision: More, Studies and Articles, Infant Vision
Job Burn Out: More, WWJS Articles scroll down to Job Burn Out & Vision. It's even in the Bible.
Jolly Jumper: More, Studies and Articles, Infant Vision Also Miscellaneous Articles
Keratoconus: More, Explanations and Videos about your vision, Keratoconus
Kids play outside: More, Studies and Articles, Miscellaneous articles
LASIK: More, Studies and Articles, LASIK
Learning: Teacher Parent Info
Lens Therapy: More, Studies and Articles, Lens Therapy Explained
Light Therapy (Syntonics): More, Studies and Articles, Light Therapy
Looking Over Mother's Shoulder: Bill's Books
Maui Jim Go to Our Practice, Eyeglasses Guide, Maui Jim
Mask damage in schools": go to more, special events COVID and After
Mono Vision: More, Studies and Articles, Mono Vision Myth
Nearsightedness (myopia): More, Explanations about your diagnosis, Nearsightedness
Online glasses: Services We Provide, Eyeglasses Guide, Online Ordering
Patient Forms: go to More, Patient Forms
Pituitary tumor: Vision therapy, Light Therapy
Play outside: More, Studies and Articles, Vision Care Articles scroll to Play Outside kids.
Presbyopia: More, Explanations and Videos about Your Vision, Presbyopia
Progressive Additional Lenses (PAL): see more services we provide, Taming Your Bifocal
Research: about Vision Therapy: Vision Therapy
School eyesight screening: School Vision Screening Danger
Prop 65: Go to Services We Provide, Eyeglasses Guide, Prop 65
School Vision Screening Laws in CA: Teacher-Parent Info V
Side Vision: See Vision Fields
So you had extra testing: Our Practice, So you had extra testing
Soccer: More, Studies and Articles, Heading in Soccer
Sports: More, Studies and Articles
Strabismus esotropia (inward turn)More, Explanations and Videos about your vision, esotropia
Strabismus exotropia (outward turn)More, Explanations and Videos about your vision, exotropia
Strabismus Methods to treat: Methods to treat Eye turns
Testing, extra: Our practice So, you had extra testing...
Three Dimension Movies: More, Studies and Articles, 3-D Movies
Two-Step Program: Teacher-Parent info, 7 Steps to Protect Your Children's Vision From The Rigors of the Classroom
Value Plan: Our Practice, Eyeglasses Guide, Value Plan
Veterans: Go to our practice, Insurance, VA's Community Care
Vision Fields: Go to Vision Therapy Light Therapy
Vision Field Testing: Go to, Our Practice, So you had extra testing, Tests you had, Vision Field Testing
Vision Hygiene Go to Vision therapy then Lens therapy explained. Once there scroll to Vision Hygiene for Lens therapy
Vision Processing: Vision Therapy, VIP
Vision Processing Therapy Testing: Our Practice, So you had extra testing, tests you had, vision processing
Vision Therapy: Vision Therapy
Vision & Learning Month, August: promotions, National Vision and Learning MonthNational Vision and Learning Month
Walkers : More, Studies and Articles, Infant Vision Also Miscellaneous Articles
Wall eyes: Explanations and Videos About Your Diagnosis, exotropia
"Wandering Eye": Explanations and Videos About Your Diagnosis, exotropia
What Would Jesus See?: Bill's Books
What Would Jesus See Articles: More, WWJS Articles
What Would Jesus See Book (WWJS): Promotions WWJS Book
Who is Dr. Henshaw privileged to have around him?
LeAnn is the office "calmer". Everything around her becomes copacetic. Anyone needs chilling out, she's there.
As an optometric assistant she schedules appointments, bills, performs pre-exam screening, vision field testing, and corneal curvature readings. She orders glasses and contact lenses and verifies and dispenses them. She also does binocular vision testing and laughs a lot. She enjoyed moments with her son Joey who helped out in the office a few days/week. He finished schooling and has a good IT position in a local business. We all miss his presence. |
Here is the brains of the office! Ask her a question, she knows everything. Courtnay is her name. Frankly, her intelligence is impressive and widespread. She is the office neat nick, and nothing but order and neatness surrounds her. If not, just stand back and watch a flurry of activity finding the right place for everything.
As an optometric assistant she schedules appointments, bills, performs pre-exam screening, vision field testing, and corneal curvature readings. She orders glasses and contact lenses and verifies and dispenses them. She also does binocular vision testing, There is always excitement around her! |
Diana is a very much welcomed member of our team. All loved her during her interview with her bubbly smile and melodious voice. She was hired immediately and started two hours later. She is fluent in Spanish and can aid your translation needs. You now don't need to bring a translator. She grew up in Stockton and aced classes at UEI College. We are all watching in wonder! She is now skilled in vision processing vision therapy. If you hear laughter when you enter the office, the source will be Diana!
We welcome Gretchen as our newest assistant. She is a proud grandmother of one girl and has two daughters and two sons. Numbers are her game and our insurance companies jump to her billings and gentle but assured voice. She also spends time with you in pre-exams and vision field testing while learning diagnostic testing. She enjoys her commute from Walnut Grove, her residence for years. Her Christian roots have won many friends around Lodi. It is amazing how many of our patients already know her.
Hi, I'm Juan, and delivery is my game. I make sure Dr. Henshaw gets all his glasses from the lab each morning.
Our mail lady being quite modest, wouldn't let us show her picture or first name. Yet, every day she brings us the all important mail with a smile.
Bella always knows when she arrives just from the sound of her truck. He has a special noisy greeting for her, so we don't bring her in until after the mail delivery.
Bella always knows when she arrives just from the sound of her truck. He has a special noisy greeting for her, so we don't bring her in until after the mail delivery.
This is Bella, the smallest one at the office. She greets everyone and begs for your lap if you are a dog lover, and she can tell.
The Bella story: Judy and I had a rescue Yorkie name Shelly for only five years. Her passing devastated us as she was greatly loved and too young to die, only ten. Judy used to walk Shelly every day and often would visit another Yorkie named Bella who eventually moved away. |
About a year after we lost Shelly, Judy was walking by the home where Bella used to live. She said, "Lord, if you drop off a Yorkie at my doorstep, I will name her Bella". The next Monday our neighbor was excitedly at our door, asking Judy to inquire about a dog in Sacramento. That's right her name was Bella!
She was a rescue Yorkie, but not for Bella. Her owner was no longer able to care for her. The owner requested many things of the new owner. One was that she would be allowed to visit the office!
She was a rescue Yorkie, but not for Bella. Her owner was no longer able to care for her. The owner requested many things of the new owner. One was that she would be allowed to visit the office!
Bella was fired!
Many of you have enjoyed Bella’s visits with her eager greetings. She has sat on many a lap during your exam. At one point by allowing a boy to hold her during the exam, we were able to complete testing he normally would not have allowed.
Many of you have enjoyed Bella’s visits with her eager greetings. She has sat on many a lap during your exam. At one point by allowing a boy to hold her during the exam, we were able to complete testing he normally would not have allowed.
We thought we had her trained to leave the mailman alone by wearing her leash. Then along came a new mailman. He was a bruiser and over 200 pounds! Our six-pound Bella thought he did not belong! With her leash trailing behind and with vociferous barking she ran around the mailman nipping at his heels. We lost mail delivery for three days! It took a letter of apology with a promise to keep her out of the office when mail is delivered to regain delivery.
Bella just had her first Dog Training lesson from Michelle at K-9 SOS.
Michelle said Bella was a fast learner. The only question is can Dr. Henshaw remember the right commands at the right time! Dr Henshaw, Judy and Bella seem to be adjusting to what Michelle taught. Bella is looking forward to her return pending the mailman trials at her home.
Michelle said Bella was a fast learner. The only question is can Dr. Henshaw remember the right commands at the right time! Dr Henshaw, Judy and Bella seem to be adjusting to what Michelle taught. Bella is looking forward to her return pending the mailman trials at her home.
Here is Bella reigning court at home where she has been confined.
She has made it very clear she is unhappy about the firing! Bella’s next adventure will be with the dog trainer!
She has made it very clear she is unhappy about the firing! Bella’s next adventure will be with the dog trainer!
Bella is back!!!
She got an A in her lessons and passed her home trial. We are still not confident she can resist the mail man so she is confined to our afternoon hours when the mail has already arrived. Whoops she got fired again! She barks too much and our dog trainer is temporarily unavailable. Once she is trained again we will bring her back. Although she is welcome, she decided home is best for her. Now Bella visits only when Judy drops by to say hello.
She got an A in her lessons and passed her home trial. We are still not confident she can resist the mail man so she is confined to our afternoon hours when the mail has already arrived. Whoops she got fired again! She barks too much and our dog trainer is temporarily unavailable. Once she is trained again we will bring her back. Although she is welcome, she decided home is best for her. Now Bella visits only when Judy drops by to say hello.
Bill's Books
Learn about my books What would Jesus See?- (WWJS?) and Looking Over Mother's Shoulder
by going to the promotions section. |