We took a scientific approach to COVID, unlike the government approach which was in disarray. We were mistakenly forced to close for one month as the governor didn't list us as essential. He deemed the eye center in the crowded COSTCO essential! It almost cost one patient their life and brought inconvenience to you and us. See below: What we did for at least one patient.
On April 20, 2020, we became essential but had to follow strict guidelines (now found unnecessary and not based on science) to remain open. We found a solution that protected you and gave comfort from the fear of infection. |
For your and our protection, we installed the AirRos Industrial Surface & Air Purification system. It was and is now above and beyond the Governor's useless regulations. You can be assured you will enter a safe environment including the air and every surface. If anything is on you or another patient, it is neutralized within seconds after your entry. The AirRos system runs through our heating/air conditioning unit.
A mask or social distance was unnecessary You were and are today protected by the AirRos System. The AirRos system in addition to COVID protects other virus strains including the common cold. You were protected during the oppressive lockdown and certainly now.
That most unfortunate season of fighting an unseen assumed menace resulted in some policies we continued to better serve you. Please note, we accept Medi-Cal recipients which State policy, not our policy requires strict rules that must be followed. Yes, the same rules do not apply to private, VSP, Medicare, and Community Care patients.
1. It is requested that only the patient and parent enter the office. You were told this when you made your appointment, There are two exceptions:
1. It is requested that only the patient and parent enter the office. You were told this when you made your appointment, There are two exceptions:
1. A child under 18 may come with one parent. |
2. A non-English speaker may come only with the translator
The parent or translator (We find relatives seem to be better than insurance-supplied translators.) will accompany the patient on every procedure, not waiting in the reception room. For the Spanish speaking we have an assistant fluent in Spanish and Dr. Henshaw can do the exam in Spanish. We also have limited use of an Urdu translator. If you do arrive with more than the person scheduled, as a courtesy to other scheduled patients, you will be rescheduled. You may choose to have the extra members wait in your car, if safe to do so. NO, the children are to be left out door to play on the grounds. We wish to be a good neighbor to the surrounding businesses. Two need quiet to conduct their businesses. |
3. For those desiring a mask, Since we installed the AirRos system, although masks are unnecessary and unhealthy you certainly can wear any mask.
4. Since AirRos every surface and the air is sanitized making the extra UV unnecessary as well as hand sanitizers. Yes, all our ceiling lights as always have healthy UV-producing lights. We, like you, always wash our hands! Please be warned that before COVID, research indicated that sanitizers were dangerous to your health.

5. For your convenience and if desired, we will perform telephone consults. Kindly give the receptionist your e-mail so we can show you documents during the consult.

6. Our appointments are no longer limited and frankly must be respected. Any missed appointment will be charged $50.00. If you didn't show, you just took away vision care for someone else.
What we did for at least one patient during forced closure by Governor Newsom: One patient found how important our care is. During a vision field taken as a result of a routine exam, we found a potential life threatening condition. We immediately called the patient’s GP who was also open. Immediately arrangements were begun to do scans. We found a potential pituitary tumor that if indeed present needed immediate treatment. Waiting another two weeks could have had serious consequences. Go to Light therapy.
There is an expansion of the blind spots (the little oval circles with a black dot in the middle) to the outside indicating pressure on the optic nerves at the exact location of the pituitary gland. Fortunately, there was no tumor. |

Thank you, President Donald Trump. Through the PPP you made it possible to keep my assistants on the payroll! Your SBA came through also.
Thanks also to Senators Ted Cruz and Mitch McConnell and Devin Nunes in the House who, with others, passed the Payroll Protection Program - not so much Senator Schumer and Speaker Pelosi who delayed the process. I signed papers at the bank on (4/23/20) to keep the office open.

Now what can we do? Practice vision hygiene. Go to Lens therapy and scroll down to Vision hygiene to accompany Lens Therapy.

All you wanted to know about the Chinese Corona - 19 Virus, but didn't know what to ask Following is COVID INCOSISTENCIES demonstrating the lack of the vision processing skill of logic and reasoning within those who mandate policies. Developmental optometry treats vision processing skills. From the below, we have a lot of work in front of us.
Please know we are not insensitive to COVID. All in the office in December of 2020 came down with COVID. Two had morbidity concerns and one was in the senior category. We all survived with no side effects but none of us enjoyed the process. Yes like any flu or infectious disease, this virus is serious. We all probably know or have heard of some who succumbed to the virus as well as other diseases. However, we want a scientific medical approach to treat it, not the whims of politicians.
Please know we are not insensitive to COVID. All in the office in December of 2020 came down with COVID. Two had morbidity concerns and one was in the senior category. We all survived with no side effects but none of us enjoyed the process. Yes like any flu or infectious disease, this virus is serious. We all probably know or have heard of some who succumbed to the virus as well as other diseases. However, we want a scientific medical approach to treat it, not the whims of politicians.
First, for our school children Face masks from a vision and eyes perspective interfere with the wearer and also the observer of one wearing a mask in three areas, and it gets worse for those banned from the classroom and forced on a computer screen.

1. Inconvenience: The bands over the ears render uncomfortable initial and continued alignment of glasses.
Necessary removal of the mask oft pulls glasses off and risks damage as they land on the ground or are misaligned.

The masks Interfere with the alignment of the glasses, especially when a bifocal is needed.

The masks fog up the lenses to the point of total distortion, especially when nervous such as test taking.
2. Social Interaction:
The auditory response is slowed as sounds are muffled. I find this very disturbing in a vision exam and the process is slowed. I imagine the same is true in the classroom. Gender identity is difficult. All the pictures of those kids are of boys. |

3. Vision Function:
Education is dependent on the vision system, especially the vision processing skills. The minimal estimate is that vision contributes at 80% which many consider way too low. All of the below interfere with education and should be of concern to school boards if not the administration.
Education is dependent on the vision system, especially the vision processing skills. The minimal estimate is that vision contributes at 80% which many consider way too low. All of the below interfere with education and should be of concern to school boards if not the administration.
1. Babies need to see faces for vision development. As a result of your school mask requirements, you would be surprised how many adults do the same at home. |
2. Masks deprive oxygen and the vision system needs tremendous amounts of oxygen to function. One third of the blood pumped by the heart goes to the vision system.

3. When writing or keyboarding the masks require the head to be tipped extremely adding to neck tension and vision fatigue.

4. Sensory matching is reduced with the above mentioned slow auditory response from the muffled responses.
5. The vision processing skill of visual closure is reduced. To get minimum clues, you have to be aware of the whole picture first. The mask blocks up to 80% of the face.

6. The speed of vision processing is dramatically reduced which should be of great concern in classroom time.
6. The speed of vision processing is dramatically reduced which should be of great concern in classroom time.

7. The vision processing skill of logic and reasoning is hindered, especially of those who reach the higher grades when you try to justify mandated mask use that is scientifically proven to be of no use and harmful. Our example of Chess requires visual closure, speed of processing, and logic & reasoning
What about kids banned from the classroom for refusing mask wear and forced into digital learning :
I do not think enough can be said of the horror, I repeat horror, I have seen in my patients caused by digital learning. I see grades dropping from 3's and 4's to 2's and 1's. I have never seen such a rapid increase in myopic and astigmatic prescriptions in such a short time. The few who did not have changes were those who diligently used their lens therapy glasses. |
It is easy to be a critic; and yes ,this section presents some bad news. But I also bring you a solution.
All of the protocol was unnecessary. Despite government protocol all of us in the office got COVID. To be certain that would not happen to our patients, we installed the AirRos Sanitization System in our office. There is no reason including financial that school districts cannot do the same. |
I was shocked at the most recent LUSD school board meeting. While the meeting was interrupted by a fiery presentation, I got a chance to talk with a remaining official. The school district purchased over 2,000 sanitation units of another brand! This is perplexing but not new. First, in 2020 the teacher's union worshiped masks. Then in a hypocritical move , but were even afraid to wear them before masked students. That forced themselves and students to hurt their eyes with digital learning. At the same time, they ignored facts that kids hardly get COVID; and if, so in a much milder form than adults. Thus, did they really believe masks would protect them? The simple solution would have been normal classes with masked teachers and unmasked kids. After Zoom learning turned into a disaster, LUSD took a positive step to sanitize the classroom. Yet, the union still insists kids and teachers are masked. I have difficulty with such logic and reasoning.
Now for the absolute silliness of COVID regulations, I present COVID FOLLIES

1. COVID follies What about those full-face plastic shields, do they help?
Once I saw a lot of people wearing full face shields, I became concerned about distortion. Whether they protect anyone from anything is another matter. Thus, I bought a shield to run through my projector in the office to detect distortion.
The first thing I noted was the disclaimer on the headband that the shield does not protect you from the “COVID” virus.
Once I saw a lot of people wearing full face shields, I became concerned about distortion. Whether they protect anyone from anything is another matter. Thus, I bought a shield to run through my projector in the office to detect distortion.
The first thing I noted was the disclaimer on the headband that the shield does not protect you from the “COVID” virus.
Here is the target you would look at during a vision exam that my projector projects into a mirror across the room. That in turn, reflects above your head and behind you on the large grey screen. I often kid and refer to it as a pizza plate. Yes, the letters are backward because you are looking in an additional mirror when I examine you.
Distortion is definitely present. While the shield was not bent in a curve, I placed the flat surface before my projector. Yes, it did have unacceptable distortion but not a lot. Then I curved the full face shield as it is worn and even more is present. |

To add to my discovery, I took a picture in the office through the mask. Not only do I not support the full face mask, I feel it is detrimental to your vision.
Mask interference Since masks have been worn by patients, I have noted a collateral effect. The exam process is disturbingly interfered. Yes, people’s responses are muffled and it takes more time, but that is not the main problem. By concealing the lower half of the face, I am unable to accurately read the patient’s expressions. Those expressions are of great value to me as an experienced developmental optometrist. Developmental optometry is more than the numbers. |
3. COVID FOLLIES: Indoor quarantine
Just when does the virus stop at your front door? Whether we are outdoors in the sun or in the home, the virus is there. Evidence indicates sunlight even kills the virus. However, if you want to eat at a restaurant it can't be inside because the virus can get in restaurant doors but somehow doesn't exist just outside their doors. Thus, in CA you must dine with the flies - certainly sanitary there! A lot of logic and reasoning is missing by forcing healthy people in their homes and opening restaurants under a tent on the sidewalk.
Just when does the virus stop at your front door? Whether we are outdoors in the sun or in the home, the virus is there. Evidence indicates sunlight even kills the virus. However, if you want to eat at a restaurant it can't be inside because the virus can get in restaurant doors but somehow doesn't exist just outside their doors. Thus, in CA you must dine with the flies - certainly sanitary there! A lot of logic and reasoning is missing by forcing healthy people in their homes and opening restaurants under a tent on the sidewalk.
4. COVID FOLLIES: Open States have less infection
CA's governor insisted on masks, 6-foot separation, home quarantine, and other restrictions. Meanwhile, COVID cases were greater than Texas and Florida combined. Florida had no restrictions and Texas was limited. Logic and reasoning eluded CA's governor and stilldoes. |
5. COVID FOLLIES: CA's late start If quarantine of healthy people, masks, hand washing, and social distancing works, why did CA start on March 20th, four months after COVID appeared in CA? People who were quarantined became infected while the homeless, not quarantined and unable to follow the other rules were virtually unaffected.
6. COVID FOLLIES: Lucite screens Lucite screens to stop the spread assume the virus can not float over or under the Lucite screen. COSTO with 50-foot ceilings has Lucite screens 6 feet tall that separate us from the cashier assuming the virus can't float over the screen. Even stranger, they are not "protected" from the line of people at the adjacent cash register. They are less than six feet from the customers behind them. Even big business lacks logic and reasoning.
7. COVID FOLLIES: Keeping kids out of school Children virtually didn't get the virus; and if they do, it doesn't last long or cause physical harm. Meanwhile, teachers have a less than one percent mortality rate from the virus and believe in the efficacy of a mask. Thus, there is no reason to keep the children out of school nor should teachers fear getting the virus from the kids. That is a definite lack of logic and reasoning. Further, those insisting on kids out of school lack visual closure when they do not see the collateral damage to the kid's emotional health and social well-being. Some kids even commit suicide. All kids and teachers suffer from worsening of their vision from digital learning.
8. COVID FOLLIES: The hypocrisy of all hypocrisies! Pastor Jack Hibbs in his 6/9/21 sermon, The Knowable God - Part 3, pointed out a massive hypocrisy of us who futility cower behind the mask or enforce it by proclaiming it is for a fear of death. If we believe no one should face death from an invisible pathogen created in a lab in China that has a death rate hovering around 1%, why are we not proclaiming the aversion of death from cancer, heart attack, diabetes, AIDS, sexually transmitted disease, alcohol and drug addiction, sex trafficking, and yes, the most indefensible of all, abortion? No, it is not a compassion for life but that of control.
9. COVID FOLLIES: The Collateral damage from masks Yes, we are aware of the deprivation of oxygen, increase of Co2, Asthma difficulties, face rashes, and deaf people being unable to lip read. Yet, who would have thought the masks interfere with binocular vision and learning?
Binocular vision is important in learning. A definition of binocular vision is the ability to discern differences and similarities at the same time. If you have binocular vision you are constantly noting the differences. However, when half the face of other students and the teacher are covered differing views are limited. Thus, binocular vision is limited, and thereby learning. Even further, children need to see both other kids and the teacher to learn. They are unable to recognize facial expressions of either. when masked. Need I say anything about deaf students?

10. COVID FOLLIES: More Collateral damage from masks What does the Lone Ranger have to do with binocular vision? The lone Ranger wore a mask to conceal his identity. In lockdown, our children through a questionable government edictwere required to do the same. The government officials say it is to protect them from a killer disease. Yet, its mortality was and still is less than 1 percent. Well, whether you believe the government or not, the masks hide kid’s and teachers’ identities, just like the Lone Ranger. Certainly, we all have realized that when not recognizing friends in the grocery store, etc. Yet, what has that got to do with binocular vision (two-eyed vision)? You may be surprised. It has a great deal and is rarely recognized. The ffollowing may surprise you:

Bruce Wolff, a developmental optometrist who improved the vision systems of the Cincinnati Reds to win a pennant, steps in here. He defines binocular vision as the ability to recognize differences and similarities at the same time. Pretend we are looking at a Christmas tree, ten feet away. Both eyes are looking at the tree at the same time. Yet, the left eye sees more of the left side of the tree. Meanwhile, the partner eye on the right sees more of the right side of the tree. They are now seeing both differences and similarities at the same time. Then when the information is sent to the brain, the tree is seen in depth and Junior knows he needs to scamper 10 feet to get his present under the tree.
When a face mask, even more concealing than the Lone Ranger’s, is worn facial expression is greatly concealed. You can’t tell if one is laughing, smiling, frowning, sneering, jesting, or even crying. Even the sound is muffled as you reduce sensory matching. There are fewer clues to determine differences and similarities. That results in diminished binocular vision.

Hi ho Silver, the Lone Ranger shouts to his unmasked horse. That’s the answer! Remove the mask, just like all the states and countries with less damage from this virus.
11. Do the mask manufacturers think the masks work?

Look at this label!
12. Our Governor told us to follow the science concerning COVID solutions. Well, here is the science:
The researchers say lockdowns had no noticeable effect on reducing COVID-related deaths and a "devastating effect" on economies and social ills. Researchers at Johns Hopkins University have concluded that lockdowns have done little to reduce COVID deaths but have had “devastating effects” on economies and numerous social ills.
The study, titled “A Literature Review and Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Lockdowns on COVID-19 Mortality,” said lockdowns in Europe and the U.S. reduced COVID-19 deaths by 0.2 percent.
Shelter-in-place orders were also ineffective, reducing COVID-19 mortality by 2.9%, the study said.
“We find no evidence that lockdowns, school closures, border closures, and limiting gatherings have had a noticeable effect on COVID-19 mortality,” the researchers wrote in the report, issued Monday.
The study concluded that lockdowns “are ill-founded and should be rejected as a pandemic policy instrument.”
“They have contributed to reducing economic activity, raising unemployment, reducing schooling, causing political unrest, contributing to domestic violence, and undermining liberal democracy,” the report said.
The study was written by Jonas Herby, Lars Jonung and Steve H. Hanke of the Johns Hopkins Institute for Applied Economics, Global Health and the Study of Business Enterprise.
The researchers say lockdowns had no noticeable effect on reducing COVID-related deaths and a "devastating effect" on economies and social ills. Researchers at Johns Hopkins University have concluded that lockdowns have done little to reduce COVID deaths but have had “devastating effects” on economies and numerous social ills.
The study, titled “A Literature Review and Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Lockdowns on COVID-19 Mortality,” said lockdowns in Europe and the U.S. reduced COVID-19 deaths by 0.2 percent.
Shelter-in-place orders were also ineffective, reducing COVID-19 mortality by 2.9%, the study said.
“We find no evidence that lockdowns, school closures, border closures, and limiting gatherings have had a noticeable effect on COVID-19 mortality,” the researchers wrote in the report, issued Monday.
The study concluded that lockdowns “are ill-founded and should be rejected as a pandemic policy instrument.”
“They have contributed to reducing economic activity, raising unemployment, reducing schooling, causing political unrest, contributing to domestic violence, and undermining liberal democracy,” the report said.
The study was written by Jonas Herby, Lars Jonung and Steve H. Hanke of the Johns Hopkins Institute for Applied Economics, Global Health and the Study of Business Enterprise.
13. Did we learn from the Spanish flu at the turn of the century? Look below at the Tuesday, August 19, 2008 release by The National Institution of Health (NIH). THAT IS THE ONE OF WHICH DR FAUCI IS THE HEAD. Yes Dr. Fauci knew this before this virus hit us! Bacterial Pneumonia Caused Most Deaths in 1918 Influenza Pandemic Implications for Future Pandemic Planning. The majority of deaths during the influenza pandemic of 1918-1919 were not caused by the influenza virus acting alone, report researchers from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health. Instead, most victims succumbed to bacterial pneumonia following influenza virus infection. The pneumonia was caused when bacteria that normally inhabit the nose and throat invaded the lungs along a pathway created when the virus destroyed the cells that line the bronchial tubes and lungs.
Your eyes were vulnerable during the home confinement, not from the virus, but your four walls!

WARNING! The extreme precautions advocated for the Chinese Coronavirus worsened the then-existing, nearsighted (myopia) epidemic. Our country is still in a myopia epidemic!
Yes, digital screens on computers and phones are a major cause.of the myopia epidemic. Whether we agreed with this quarantine didn't matter. The governor demanded a home quarantine. When stuck at home we spend a lot of time on digital devices.

What could have been done to protect our vision as we endured this home quarantine? These principles existed before COVID and exist today.
First, understand how these restrictions could contribute to myopia.
1. For children outdoor physical activity is essential. Parks and beaches were closed during one phase. |
2. Remaining indoors restricts viewing distances often well within 20 feet- usually within 10 feet. We know the Japanese population has a very high myopia rate. One of the causes is the close environments like curtains and walls that confine their viewing distance in the majority of their homes. Even views outside are restricted.
3. Myopia is caused by excessive near vision tasks, especially if under stress like pressure to excel in school, meet deadlines, and be absorbed in pleasurable activities.
4. Computer cell phone screens are inferior in quality to the page in a book and add to the stress mentioned above.