Now, for some special considerations (some of which bear repeating from above.
Contact lenses have many advantages if you have a high prescription, either nearsighted or farsighted, have one eye of a different prescription (anisometropia), or you simply feel you look better without glasses, contact lenses is the answer. Sports activities are another area contact lenses are an advantage. Even children can wear contact lenses.
Bifocal contact lenses are another story. As we are concerned with both binocular vision and presbyopia, we do not advise bifocal contact lenses. All bifocal contact lenses compromise binocular vision and are limited in the number of near vision powers. For middle ranges like looking at price tags or computer screens, all bifocal contact lenses use mono vision for that distance with one eye set for regular reading distance of 16 inches and the other for computer distance of 22 inches. That will lead to eyestrain, general fatigue, and mistakes. Thus, you are only using one eye for the computer screen and the other eye for the note you are reading!

Designing contact lenses with mono-vision is hypocritical if you take time to think about it. First, when you were a teen and had each eye of a different prescription(anisometropia), the eye doc told you contact lenses are better for your binocular vision.. Then in your middle forties when you have trouble focusing your eyes up close (presbyopia), the doc tells you to simply to remove one contact lens for close vision. As a teen you were told it was essential to use both contact lenses. Now, the doc ignores how valuable both lenses were before! Thus, by now removing one lens resulting in mono-vision, you end up just like you did as a teen. The doc must hope you don't remember when you were told it was bad for your eyes. Yes, Mono-vision interferes with your eyes, health, and safety.
Our government's current federal and state mishandling of trucking and the supply train has now hit contact lenses. We used to have overnight delivery from our contact lens lab in Richmond. Now we have delays of three days and even two weeks in the more specialized lenses. It is even getting worse and some take a month! Fortunately for you who have alternate wear lenses, our supply in office is well stocked.