Frankly, although optometry has changed greatly in its one hundred twenty one year history in the United States, to this day 90+ percent of what we do results in a pair of glasses. Dr. Henshaw, even with his specialty in developmental vision, hasn't forgotten that and is proud of his profession that does that.
Everyone hates their driver license photo. We Take a real picture of you for your chart. Our assistants take pertinent basic information during your pre-examination. The equipment is selected to meet your real needs.
Just like other offices we look for and treat eye diseases. Yet, we know disease treatment is really important. Just as we have real training and experience in real vision conditions especially in vision therapy, we refer to doctors who have real training and experience in real eye diseases.
Our doctor really listens to your concerns, but doesn’t stop there and looks for conditions that really effect your real life of which you may not be aware. You hear the solid click of the real vision tester rather than the hum of the inaccurate automatized device. You are given easy choices in an enjoyable atmosphere during your real exam. After you do not wonder if you gave the right answers.
You get to make choices about your vision treatment for the real world in which you live. There is not only one menu. We care about the quality of your eye glasses or contact lenses. We also care about how they look so you get compliments as well as the correct fit and comfort. California is blessed with at least three quality optical labs, and we have access to them all. Thus, your glasses or contact lenses will really give you efficient and comfortable vision in your real world. Yet, before you get them they were carefully ordered and verified to be sure they meet real standards.
Yet, it doesn’t stop there. Most offices have lost the art of dispensing glasses and are simply handed to you without customization for your real world. That art is not lost in our office. Each pair of glasses is really customized to your face and head, and do not rely on your ears to stay on. Ouch! That really hurts!. Glasses don’t touch your ears!
Give us a call for a real exam for your real world. 209-334-2020