The What Would Jesus See Section
exerts and related articles where those who share my faith can enjoy a refreshing viewpoint:
The Lord of The Airways and Blue Light.
Who is the “lord of the airways?” Many think it is God, but let’s see what the Lord has to say about that. Ephesians 2:2 reads: |
... in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient.
An unfortunately good example of Satan being in charge of terms strewn over the airways in vision care is “Blue Light.” A few years back, we found digital device screens emit high-energy visible (HEV) light. Rather than calling it, “HEV light” Satan tickled the scientist’s ears to call it blue light. Yes, blue light (HEV) may damage the eyes, but it is also good as it awakens us in the morning.
From now on adjust your digital devices’ HEV (blue light) filter and use your comfortable fit lens therapy glasses with a light blue tint when viewing a digital screen. |
There is no question that screens in digital devices stress the eyes and relaxation is needed. Hence we add a light blue tint. This blue tint in glasses to avoid eyestrain has been used for decades. Just as HEV blue light awakening us is a good thing so is the blue tint(not blue HEV light) that reduces eyestrain.
Satan, allegedly to save your eyes, at first caused unwitting scientists to put a hideous orange tint in blue blocking (HEV) glasses. I was shocked to see a woman wearing those hideous glasses at an optometry conference. She was the saleswoman for blue blocker’s. People biting on the early blue blocker’s craze had difficulty awakening. Fortunately research proved a much lighter tint worked better (now pale yellow) and people didn’t oversleep.
The second attack was on the beneficial blue tint that has reduced eyestrain for decades. As people confused the blue in blue blocker’s (not blue at all but pale yellow) it gave question to the long known benefit of the blue tint. I now have to explain to patients that a blue tint is not HEV blue light. It confused Facebook’s “fact checkers” who banned my post on the advantages of blue tinted glasses thinking I was advocating blue light.
Then Satan upped the anti to destroy our vision. He convinced marketers to make a fortune on cheap non-prescription blue-blocker glasses. The marketers did not bother explaining the digital device manufacturers include controllable HEV (blue light) filters in all devices. Not only do the cheap blue blocker's hurt the nose and ears but have distortion in the lenses to increase rather than decrease eyestrain. Reference my recording of the distortion of the cheap lenses through my office projector. I presented it on social media and the Visio therapy, Digital/ComputerVision section.
Then it gets worse, rather than wear the prescriptive lens therapy glasses with a light blue tint that alleviates strain and improves performance, my patients take them off to use the cheap blue blocker’s. More than one patient’s eyes have worsened from this.
Then it gets worse, rather than wear the prescriptive lens therapy glasses with a light blue tint that alleviates strain and improves performance, my patients take them off to use the cheap blue blocker’s. More than one patient’s eyes have worsened from this.
Spiritual and Physical: What's the difference?
I believe spiritual and physical concepts are the same as the Lord created both. Let’s look at Genesis 19: 8: The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the Lord are radiant, giving light to the eyes. |
That is wonderful. Yet how does that happen? It may not be what you think at first. The Ten Commandments (10) are misunderstood by many pastors and parishioners. Those who misunderstand the purpose feel it takes self-effort to follow all 10. You continually discipline yourself and even practice self-punishment for failures. Martin Luther, until nudged by the Holy Spirit crawled on the ground and whipped himself to follow those 10.
Yet, the intended purpose of the 10 is to realize we can’t live up to them and need redemption. It is not through our efforts, but by the Holy Spirit who makes us aware we can’t obey the commands on our own, provides redemption, and lives within us. Thus, you become humble and do not need pride as you know the Holy Spirit did it, not your efforts. Vision Therapy (VT) procedures are like the 10; and their purpose, just like the 10, is misunderstood by many patients and doctors. |
No, God did not hand down two stone tablets with VT procedures to Dr. A M Skeffington, the father of VT. Yet, he did study to be a pastor. There are hundreds of VT procedures. Ironically, my mentor Bob Pepper mainly uses 10.
Just like in religion, many in VT believe it takes self-effort by repeating a procedure over and over to treat your vision. You accomplish good vision through self-effort. Some docs even give rewards when success in a procedure is accomplished! Just like the purpose of the 10 in religion, the purpose of the procedures is to realize that self-effort does not work. How is that done? The procedures are designed for you to make a mistake. Then you realize self-effort makes you fail, not succeed at the task. The same hard work caused the vision problem in the first place.
In religion the Holy Spirit makes the change, but what makes the change in VT? It is our subconscious. I liken it to the Holy Spirit. During VT, at the mistake, the doctor discusses the principle that emerged with the mistake. Then the subconscious system not, the patient’s conscious effort, takes over and makes an adjustment to enhance that vision skill. On the next attempt, the procedure is easily accomplished. That is because God blessed us all with a self-monitoring, self-directing, and self-correcting vision system. Although some monitoring takes place consciously, all directing and correcting take place in our subconscious. No discussion of how to do the procedure correctly takes place at the mistake. That is left to the subconscious Then the patient comfortably and effortlessly uses the renewed vision skills, without the need to brag.
Moses says the 10 commandments are radiant giving light to the eyes. Moses’ penning of “radiant” meant knowledge, not only a beam of light. His “heart” reference was not to a pump, but to emotion within us. His mention of eyes was not only two orbs but our understanding. Even some eye docs don’t realize light starts through the eyes and brings understanding and emotion.
As mentioned above, the subconscious system is like the Holy Spirit. The doctor’s discussion triggers the subconscious to impart light (wisdom) to the eyes. That information (light) triggers the appropriate change (redemption) within the vision system that enhances our vision (behavior). I believe the Holy Spirit dwells within our subconscious, hence spiritual and physical growth take place through the same mechanism. That in turn brings joy from the resultant improved performance.
Moses says the 10 commandments are radiant giving light to the eyes. Moses’ penning of “radiant” meant knowledge, not only a beam of light. His “heart” reference was not to a pump, but to emotion within us. His mention of eyes was not only two orbs but our understanding. Even some eye docs don’t realize light starts through the eyes and brings understanding and emotion.
As mentioned above, the subconscious system is like the Holy Spirit. The doctor’s discussion triggers the subconscious to impart light (wisdom) to the eyes. That information (light) triggers the appropriate change (redemption) within the vision system that enhances our vision (behavior). I believe the Holy Spirit dwells within our subconscious, hence spiritual and physical growth take place through the same mechanism. That in turn brings joy from the resultant improved performance.
Did God lay down the foundation of vision therapy as He led Moses and the Israelites across the Red Sea? Let’s look at Exodus14: 14 “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”
Bob Pepper is credited with providing situations under stress to leave us no alternative but to rely on our subconscious to treat our binocular vision and other dysfunctions. He designed procedures that can be modified to a level that you can’t rely on your inefficient conscious methods to complete the task.
We used those conscious methods all of our life prior to vision therapy: All night cramming for tests, rote memory, psychotropic drugs, coffee, punishing yourself for mistakes, I could go on . . . The problem with those methods is they work, yet with consequences: headaches, muscle aches, addictions, fits of anger, stomach aches, constipation, inability to sleep, again I could go on . . .
Bob Pepper designed vision therapy routines that, in a clinical setting, not real life, are not threatening but can be increased in level of difficulty. The complexity is slowly increased so your conscious efforts can’t complete the task, driving you to the more efficient subconscious level. |
Now, let’s return back thousands of years to Moses. Certainly, the Israelites were under stress with the best of the Egyptian army on their heels. They were vastly out-maneuvered in strength with apparently nowhere to go. Then God told them, He would fight for them. They only needed to be still. In vision terms that is functioning in the present that requires both eyes to look at the same place at the same time.
God used His power, representing our subconscious which He imparted to us prior to birth, to make a way for the Israelites to escape and the Egyptians to be defeated. The Israelites could not part the Red Sea, control the wind to dry the land, place the cloud pillar, and summon the Lord’s angel to cover their six. Once our subconscious system was forced into action through appropriate stress to succeed at the procedure, our vision then adapts to the far more efficient method which then improves and even enhances our vision system. |
Did Solomon lay the principles for vision therapy?
Proverbs 3.5: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Bob Pepper’s vision therapy techniques basically remediates and enhances vision by training us to use our subconscious rather than conscious. Did Solomon thousands of years ago discover vision therapy? Most of us rely on our own understanding, conscious thought, rather than our self monitoring, self directing self correcting, vision system that functions in the subconscious. Thus, we overburden the vision system that leads to overly sustained accommodation(over focusing at near), over convergence(eye turns), overly stimulated vision processing(memory, logic, visualization, etc.), and eventually suppression. Pepper vision therapy overcomes this process and frees our vision. |
Could Christian spiritual shifting the atmosphere be related to vision?
Recently I listened to a Shifting Atmospheres video presentation from Bethel Church in Redding, CA. Faith Blatchford spoke on Shifting Your Nightmares into Dreams. One of her main points backed with scripture was that God dwells in the darkness. |
Her point reminded me of the Palming technique advocated by William Bates as one step in curing myopia. Basically your palms placed across closed eyes brings a state of relaxation. Dr. Bates didn’t emphasize the technique creates darkness where God dwells. Yet, I can imagine Jesus healing your eyes in the darkness to bring you clearer vision, both physical and spiritual.
Hypocrisy in COVID
Pastor Jack Hibbs in his 6/9/21 sermon, The Knowable God - Part 3, pointed out a massive hypocrisy of us who futility cower behind the mask or enforce it by proclaiming it is for a fear of death. If we believe no one should face death from an invisible pathogen created in a lab in China that has a death rate hovering around 1%, why are we not proclaiming the aversion of death from cancer, heart attack, diabetes, AIDS, sexually transmitted disease, alcohol and drug addiction, sex trafficking, and yes, the most indefensible of all, abortion? No, it is not a compassion for life but that of control.
Pastor Jack Hibbs in his 6/9/21 sermon, The Knowable God - Part 3, pointed out a massive hypocrisy of us who futility cower behind the mask or enforce it by proclaiming it is for a fear of death. If we believe no one should face death from an invisible pathogen created in a lab in China that has a death rate hovering around 1%, why are we not proclaiming the aversion of death from cancer, heart attack, diabetes, AIDS, sexually transmitted disease, alcohol and drug addiction, sex trafficking, and yes, the most indefensible of all, abortion? No, it is not a compassion for life but that of control.
Jesus Sees Fresh Eyes Dr. Efrem Smith from Bayside Church, Sacramento spoke at a recent service at Jesus Culture Church. While speaking on the rise of reconcilers, he uttered, “In a new community we must have fresh eyes. Certainly he meant viewing others as Jesus sees. Yet, it reminded me of what we do in vision therapy. We enable people to see with fresh eyes. |
On the 5/10 Mother’s Day service at Jesus Culture Banning talked about resilience mothers have because of the Holy Spirit living within. Today at the new facility yet to be remodeled all mothers will to receive gifts in a virus awareness drive by. One of the gifts is a pot with soil and a gladiola bulb. The bulb is self sustaining and lasts year to year because it has protection and strength to weather seasons whether too hot or too cold. He related that to 2nd Timothy 1:7 of possessing love power and a sound mind, with emphasis on the power.
I related this to vision therapy. Through vision therapy we develop within you a strong, powerful, and a sound vision system that lasts through good and bad times. |
Job Burn Out & Vision. It's even in the Bible
Previously a pastor shared Heb 12:2-3 that says, “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith ... so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” You will not grow weary If you fix your eyes on Jesus, who created and sustains you. It reminded me of job burn out. If you rely on your conscious system, you work very hard and are exhausted. That can lead to a tendency for eyes to wander outward, the opposite of crossed eyes. It is often connected with job burn out. Some call this a wandering eye.
Concentration requires eye alignment on the object you look at. That could be a welding bead for a welder, a spread sheet for an accountant, or even the thought of a building design for an architect. Through vision therapy Mr. Gonzales, prolonged his welding career another five years to support his granddaughter through college. He also loved his job; and although well over the age of retirement, he wished to remain on his job. His job was in jeopardy as he now had trouble making his welds straight because of persistent double vision.
Previously he willfully forced his eyes to look at the bead. He now grew weary and could not sustain that effort. Through vision therapy he learned to use his eyes the way Jesus created them to effortlessly look at any object - the welding bead. Not only did he retain his job, he was now able to perform it effortlessly and prolonged his career. Through vision therapy Mr. Gonzales was able to use his eyes the way Jesus created them as well as sustain performance because Jesus sustains all things.
Previously a pastor shared Heb 12:2-3 that says, “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith ... so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” You will not grow weary If you fix your eyes on Jesus, who created and sustains you. It reminded me of job burn out. If you rely on your conscious system, you work very hard and are exhausted. That can lead to a tendency for eyes to wander outward, the opposite of crossed eyes. It is often connected with job burn out. Some call this a wandering eye.
Concentration requires eye alignment on the object you look at. That could be a welding bead for a welder, a spread sheet for an accountant, or even the thought of a building design for an architect. Through vision therapy Mr. Gonzales, prolonged his welding career another five years to support his granddaughter through college. He also loved his job; and although well over the age of retirement, he wished to remain on his job. His job was in jeopardy as he now had trouble making his welds straight because of persistent double vision.
Previously he willfully forced his eyes to look at the bead. He now grew weary and could not sustain that effort. Through vision therapy he learned to use his eyes the way Jesus created them to effortlessly look at any object - the welding bead. Not only did he retain his job, he was now able to perform it effortlessly and prolonged his career. Through vision therapy Mr. Gonzales was able to use his eyes the way Jesus created them as well as sustain performance because Jesus sustains all things.
Mr. Gonzales regained his heart as he could continue his loved welding job and provide for his granddaughter. Ricky Henderson is a retired high caliber baseball player. Many do not know he has a wandering eye. Could he have prolonged his baseball career had his eye turn been treated? Could he have enjoyed his time playing if treated in the beginning of his career and not lost his temper so much? Could you enjoy your career, family, and life more?
Childhood Readers
The Bible discusses doing things at the appropriate and orderly time. That is true for our children in the process of learning, especially reading. The devil is pushing people ahead of time. The prodigal son in Luke 15:11-32 is an example. He had consequences that none of us would want for our children. Then why do we let our educators push our kids to read when they are not ready? The Old Testament warns us in Eccl 3:1-5: There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: 2 a time to be born...a time to plant...3 ... a time to heal...5...a time to refrain...NIV
Our children are forced to read too early. I now see nearsighted kids in kindergarten when it used to be the fourth grade. We ignored Solomon’s admonition of a time to refrain. We miss understood Jean Piaget a Swiss psychologist who demonstrated that children learn rapidly at a young age. Yet, they learn as children, not adults. Paul pointed this out in1 Cor 3:1-3 1 Brothers, I could not address you as spiritual ... mere infants in Christ. 2 I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for it..... NIV
Scandinavian countries delay reading until the children are seven and developmentally ready for such a stressful task on the vision system. Ironically, in the United States in the late 50's educator George Spache demonstrated that kids who were taught reading early were better readers in the fourth grade; but in high school those who delayed until seven were better readers. We now push them too early and don’t have much to show for it when you compare our kids academically to other nations.
Who knows when education will adopt proper methods? Our current President at the time this was penned is pushing for reading at even younger ages.
The Bible discusses doing things at the appropriate and orderly time. That is true for our children in the process of learning, especially reading. The devil is pushing people ahead of time. The prodigal son in Luke 15:11-32 is an example. He had consequences that none of us would want for our children. Then why do we let our educators push our kids to read when they are not ready? The Old Testament warns us in Eccl 3:1-5: There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: 2 a time to be born...a time to plant...3 ... a time to heal...5...a time to refrain...NIV
Our children are forced to read too early. I now see nearsighted kids in kindergarten when it used to be the fourth grade. We ignored Solomon’s admonition of a time to refrain. We miss understood Jean Piaget a Swiss psychologist who demonstrated that children learn rapidly at a young age. Yet, they learn as children, not adults. Paul pointed this out in1 Cor 3:1-3 1 Brothers, I could not address you as spiritual ... mere infants in Christ. 2 I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for it..... NIV
Scandinavian countries delay reading until the children are seven and developmentally ready for such a stressful task on the vision system. Ironically, in the United States in the late 50's educator George Spache demonstrated that kids who were taught reading early were better readers in the fourth grade; but in high school those who delayed until seven were better readers. We now push them too early and don’t have much to show for it when you compare our kids academically to other nations.
Who knows when education will adopt proper methods? Our current President at the time this was penned is pushing for reading at even younger ages.
In the meantime there is a twofold solution to enhance our young kids vision system:.
First have your child tested to determine if protective lenses for near centered activities will help. In a the majority of children they are helpful. This is called lens therapy as we are prescribing for where we want your child's eyes to be rather than where they are now. They create relaxation and deter your child's eyes from worsening.
First have your child tested to determine if protective lenses for near centered activities will help. In a the majority of children they are helpful. This is called lens therapy as we are prescribing for where we want your child's eyes to be rather than where they are now. They create relaxation and deter your child's eyes from worsening.
The second is simple home activities in addition to special glasses for desk and digital activities to protect their eyes. The activities are based on the work of a developmental optometrist aware of George Spache’s research and the proper application of Jean Piaget’s work. Our office outlined Dr. Gerry Getman’s book How to Develop Your Child’s Intelligence written in the 60's and since revised. We provide recording sheets in sequential steps to know when to perform each procedure and watch your child’s progress. We make the program available to all families with young children, and all the kids in can benefit from one program.
The second is simple home activities in addition to special glasses for desk and digital activities to protect their eyes. The activities are based on the work of a developmental optometrist aware of George Spache’s research and the proper application of Jean Piaget’s work. Our office outlined Dr. Gerry Getman’s book How to Develop Your Child’s Intelligence written in the 60's and since revised. We provide recording sheets in sequential steps to know when to perform each procedure and watch your child’s progress. We make the program available to all families with young children, and all the kids in can benefit from one program.
Our treatment of Light Therapy is but an example of one of God's characteristic - that of Light.
As Christians we know that God is light. There are many verses that either declare or imply God / Jesus is “Light”. David wrote in Ps 76:4 You are resplendent with light...NIV John wrote in 1 John 1:5 ... God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. NIV Jesus himself declared in John 8:12 ... "I am the light of the world. NIV
As Christians we know that God is light. There are many verses that either declare or imply God / Jesus is “Light”. David wrote in Ps 76:4 You are resplendent with light...NIV John wrote in 1 John 1:5 ... God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. NIV Jesus himself declared in John 8:12 ... "I am the light of the world. NIV
What does knowing God is light have to do with optometry? Actually a lot! One of our treatments is light therapy. A specialized instrument shines light of a particular color into patients’ eyes to improve their vision system. I picture light emanating from Jesus shining into their eyes. I think you would agree that is a direct application of light( Jesus ) into practical daily life.
Light therapy has many uses. One is to treat side vision losses and headaches. The most common cause of those problems are automobile accidents resulting in either whiplash or head trauma.
Ida, now eight fell and hit her head on the pavement at two. Among other vision conditions it caused enlarged blind spots and reduced side vision as well as headaches. After ten 22 minute sessions of viewing colored lights her headaches were gone and her side vision and blind spots returned to normal. You can see the changes below to her vision field in her left eye.
I consider this a demonstration of God’s power in our daily lives. Not only does Jesus bring spiritual healing, He also brings physical healing. I feel privileged to be a vessel in that process.
Vision & The Golden Years, a Life Full of Light with Healthy Eyes
Do you have to accept the”common wisdom” that vision will deteriorate with age? The Bible tells a different story. Yes, 1 Sam 3:22 discusses Eli’s weak eyes at death. Yet, Deut. 34:7 tells that different story, “Moses was a hundred and twenty years old when he died, yet his eyes were not weak . . . ” What was the difference between Eli and Moses? Moses saw the light, literally the light of God. Matt 6:22 says "The eye is a light for the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light . . . ” By following vision principles based on the Bible, I have seen both young and old achieve better vision performance. Yet, others like Eli who retreated from God’s light, ignored the light or were advised their condition could not be treated, their eyes deteriorated. You could think of vision therapy principles and treatment to be similar to light coming from God, just as Moses experienced. Vision Therapy enables patients’ eyes to become the light of their body and their performance is enhanced - just as God did with Moses.
Vision therapy made a difference for these people nearing or in their golden years: Sue Barry, a neuro-biologist at 50 saw 3 -D vision for the first time in her life and wrote about it in Correcting my Gaze. Mr. Gonzalez in his late 70's prolonged his welding career. Evelyn Cline in her 80's reported her life was spared by avoiding an auto accident due to her vision therapy. John R in his 70's also escaped injury on the road due to his vision therapy. He also restored 75% of his side vision lost in a stroke. Blake Mutchler, who at 59 was legally blind due to reduced peripheral vision from a Vietnam War injury, through vision therapy has reversed his blindness. Mutchler stated, “Through light therapy, within only five days, my side vision was improved dramatically and I was no longer legally blind. I am much more confident with my driving skills now.
How about vision conditions not needing vision therapy? Will the big three vision conditions seniors face:
1. presbyopia, 2. cataracts, and 3. oracular degeneration get us all?
Presbyopia is the need of a bifocal for reading. Cataracts are cloudy vision of the lens inside your eye. Macular degeneration is the deterioration of the only portion of the eye capable of 20/20 clarity. The common treatments are overly strong reading glasses, surgery, and injecting an expensive drug into your eye.
1. Presbyopia: The common treatment of presbyopia is prescribing overly strong reading glasses. Some leave it up to you with over the counter readers. Others think mono-vision to avoid a bifocal is a solution while at the same time eliminating your depth perception.
2. Cataracts: Cataracts are watched until they are so dense you can’t function efficiently if at all. The guideline is 20/50 visual acuity. How many docs waiting for their patients to get bad enough to see 20/50 April 26, 2019on’t they realize their patients’ driver licenses require better acuity of 20/40? Thought is rarely considered for the after prescription when the cataracts are removed. Some wait an excessive time to remove the cataract from the second eye leaving discomfort with one blurry eye. No doc will take both out at the same time(beginning to change) which should be standard procedure. Some docs even give you mono-vision eliminating depth perception.
3. Macular Degeneration: Rather than discussing anti oxidant vitamins (AC &E) years before macular degeneration takes place, many wait for the damage and then tell you to take anti-oxidants. Next they send a needle in your eye to get the anti-oxidants near your macula.
If the above were not enough, some seniors face memory loss including Alzheimer's. Are there alternatives? A recent study shows memory loss is helped with vision processing therapy.
How can shedding light on treatment make a difference? Let’s look at the big three:
1. Presbyopia: Presbyopia is helped before it arrives. Often appropriate innovative lenses for close work makes an easier transition into presbyopia that takes place in the mid forties. Some time it even delays the process. Providing just the right amount of help in glasses at near vision and making changes gradually yearly makes the transition easy and always keeps you efficient with close work rather than waiting for discomfort and blur before a lens is changed. Mono-vision and its inefficiency and destruction of stereo is never considered.
2. Cataracts: There are natural eye drops to treat cataracts that can prolong the need for surgery, hold the line or improve. The drops are recommended before the occurrence rather than waiting for the cataract to show. The progress of the cataract is closely monitored as the drops are provided. If the drops don’t stop the cataracts, arrangements are made with the right surgeon to remove them before there is too much disruption in daily life and driving. The options of your after cataract extraction is planned. Since surgeons refuse to take both out at the same time arrangements are made for the transition period when the other eye still has the cataract. Mono-vision and its inefficiency and destruction of stereo is never considered.
3. Macular Degeneration: There are natural eye drops to treat macular degeneration. Like in cataracts the drops are considered before the onset as well as discussing anti-oxidants that also help macular degeneration.
How do you want your golden years to be? Why not: Isa 40:31 but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. NIV
Do you have to accept the”common wisdom” that vision will deteriorate with age? The Bible tells a different story. Yes, 1 Sam 3:22 discusses Eli’s weak eyes at death. Yet, Deut. 34:7 tells that different story, “Moses was a hundred and twenty years old when he died, yet his eyes were not weak . . . ” What was the difference between Eli and Moses? Moses saw the light, literally the light of God. Matt 6:22 says "The eye is a light for the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light . . . ” By following vision principles based on the Bible, I have seen both young and old achieve better vision performance. Yet, others like Eli who retreated from God’s light, ignored the light or were advised their condition could not be treated, their eyes deteriorated. You could think of vision therapy principles and treatment to be similar to light coming from God, just as Moses experienced. Vision Therapy enables patients’ eyes to become the light of their body and their performance is enhanced - just as God did with Moses.
Vision therapy made a difference for these people nearing or in their golden years: Sue Barry, a neuro-biologist at 50 saw 3 -D vision for the first time in her life and wrote about it in Correcting my Gaze. Mr. Gonzalez in his late 70's prolonged his welding career. Evelyn Cline in her 80's reported her life was spared by avoiding an auto accident due to her vision therapy. John R in his 70's also escaped injury on the road due to his vision therapy. He also restored 75% of his side vision lost in a stroke. Blake Mutchler, who at 59 was legally blind due to reduced peripheral vision from a Vietnam War injury, through vision therapy has reversed his blindness. Mutchler stated, “Through light therapy, within only five days, my side vision was improved dramatically and I was no longer legally blind. I am much more confident with my driving skills now.
How about vision conditions not needing vision therapy? Will the big three vision conditions seniors face:
1. presbyopia, 2. cataracts, and 3. oracular degeneration get us all?
Presbyopia is the need of a bifocal for reading. Cataracts are cloudy vision of the lens inside your eye. Macular degeneration is the deterioration of the only portion of the eye capable of 20/20 clarity. The common treatments are overly strong reading glasses, surgery, and injecting an expensive drug into your eye.
1. Presbyopia: The common treatment of presbyopia is prescribing overly strong reading glasses. Some leave it up to you with over the counter readers. Others think mono-vision to avoid a bifocal is a solution while at the same time eliminating your depth perception.
2. Cataracts: Cataracts are watched until they are so dense you can’t function efficiently if at all. The guideline is 20/50 visual acuity. How many docs waiting for their patients to get bad enough to see 20/50 April 26, 2019on’t they realize their patients’ driver licenses require better acuity of 20/40? Thought is rarely considered for the after prescription when the cataracts are removed. Some wait an excessive time to remove the cataract from the second eye leaving discomfort with one blurry eye. No doc will take both out at the same time(beginning to change) which should be standard procedure. Some docs even give you mono-vision eliminating depth perception.
3. Macular Degeneration: Rather than discussing anti oxidant vitamins (AC &E) years before macular degeneration takes place, many wait for the damage and then tell you to take anti-oxidants. Next they send a needle in your eye to get the anti-oxidants near your macula.
If the above were not enough, some seniors face memory loss including Alzheimer's. Are there alternatives? A recent study shows memory loss is helped with vision processing therapy.
How can shedding light on treatment make a difference? Let’s look at the big three:
1. Presbyopia: Presbyopia is helped before it arrives. Often appropriate innovative lenses for close work makes an easier transition into presbyopia that takes place in the mid forties. Some time it even delays the process. Providing just the right amount of help in glasses at near vision and making changes gradually yearly makes the transition easy and always keeps you efficient with close work rather than waiting for discomfort and blur before a lens is changed. Mono-vision and its inefficiency and destruction of stereo is never considered.
2. Cataracts: There are natural eye drops to treat cataracts that can prolong the need for surgery, hold the line or improve. The drops are recommended before the occurrence rather than waiting for the cataract to show. The progress of the cataract is closely monitored as the drops are provided. If the drops don’t stop the cataracts, arrangements are made with the right surgeon to remove them before there is too much disruption in daily life and driving. The options of your after cataract extraction is planned. Since surgeons refuse to take both out at the same time arrangements are made for the transition period when the other eye still has the cataract. Mono-vision and its inefficiency and destruction of stereo is never considered.
3. Macular Degeneration: There are natural eye drops to treat macular degeneration. Like in cataracts the drops are considered before the onset as well as discussing anti-oxidants that also help macular degeneration.
How do you want your golden years to be? Why not: Isa 40:31 but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. NIV
The second step is to look at the foundation. That means looking at both the portions of the procedure that were correct as well as wrong. That’s different from school with the “x” of wrong.The pastor brought points two and three. Point 2 was to expose the lie and then 3 to encounter the truth. You can easily see both are almost identical to the VT step 2.
, Step three is to start over, trusting that your subconscious has corrected the error and you have a new skill. It implies you are moving forward with a fresh discovery of how to use your eyes(a new truth). The pastor‘s fourth point is to express the truth. His last step and VT’s last step is to move forward in the truth. At first it seems unusual to compare scriptural and scientific truths. Yet, the same maker created both!
Is it really ADD? Looking at the root of a problem may be an answer.
Now that the school year is nearing the end, is your child struggling or over achieving to get A’s?. Many are not performing to their potential and about 25% are two years behind. A large number have been labeled ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder). As its name implies, ADD is difficulty concentrating. The subject is controversial. To add confusion, it comes in differing names like ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, and Asperger's. Many question if ADD is a real condition. Recent studies find it is way over diagnosed.
The ADD diagnosis is based mainly on a list of symptoms, and most are treated with psycho tropic drugs. Although the main goal is to help learning, a recent Canadian study found drugs have no academic benefit. Although a short term effect, after three years, those given drugs were worse academically than those, without drugs.
Rather than rush to drugs, why not get to the root of the problem? Rom. 11:18 says, “do not boast over those branches. If you do, consider this: You do not support the root, but the root supports you.” Drugging a child with ADD can be like rearranging the branches. As mentioned above, it may even make the problem worse. I feel the Bible tells us to get to the root of ADD which may be vision. Certainly vision is not the only answer. We just don’t want it left out
It is disappointing that many do not consider vision. After all, Matt 6:22-23 says, "The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness....” Why not look to the eyes first? The majority of our kids may have a vision problem and not ADD. Vision processing problems, the main factor in visually related learning problems, have the same symptoms as ADD. Standardized tests exist for vision processing conditions. Diagnosing vision processing problems is not guess work based only on symptoms. Once testing is done, you know if a vision processing problem exists. In addition non-invasive treatment from prescriptive glasses for desk and digital activities to vision therapy has a high percentage of success.
Thus, if your child has difficulty concentrating, reverses letters, numbers or words, can’t sit still, or is forgetful, why first reach for a pill? Have your child’s vision tested: but not by school screening, the pediatrician screening, or just any eye doctor. Select an eye doctor trained to detect vision processing problems. Then you may get to the root of the problem. By the way, we do not grow out of vision processing problems. Adults can be helped too.
Now that the school year is nearing the end, is your child struggling or over achieving to get A’s?. Many are not performing to their potential and about 25% are two years behind. A large number have been labeled ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder). As its name implies, ADD is difficulty concentrating. The subject is controversial. To add confusion, it comes in differing names like ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, and Asperger's. Many question if ADD is a real condition. Recent studies find it is way over diagnosed.
The ADD diagnosis is based mainly on a list of symptoms, and most are treated with psycho tropic drugs. Although the main goal is to help learning, a recent Canadian study found drugs have no academic benefit. Although a short term effect, after three years, those given drugs were worse academically than those, without drugs.
Rather than rush to drugs, why not get to the root of the problem? Rom. 11:18 says, “do not boast over those branches. If you do, consider this: You do not support the root, but the root supports you.” Drugging a child with ADD can be like rearranging the branches. As mentioned above, it may even make the problem worse. I feel the Bible tells us to get to the root of ADD which may be vision. Certainly vision is not the only answer. We just don’t want it left out
It is disappointing that many do not consider vision. After all, Matt 6:22-23 says, "The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness....” Why not look to the eyes first? The majority of our kids may have a vision problem and not ADD. Vision processing problems, the main factor in visually related learning problems, have the same symptoms as ADD. Standardized tests exist for vision processing conditions. Diagnosing vision processing problems is not guess work based only on symptoms. Once testing is done, you know if a vision processing problem exists. In addition non-invasive treatment from prescriptive glasses for desk and digital activities to vision therapy has a high percentage of success.
Thus, if your child has difficulty concentrating, reverses letters, numbers or words, can’t sit still, or is forgetful, why first reach for a pill? Have your child’s vision tested: but not by school screening, the pediatrician screening, or just any eye doctor. Select an eye doctor trained to detect vision processing problems. Then you may get to the root of the problem. By the way, we do not grow out of vision processing problems. Adults can be helped too.
What has Stress got to do with Church community and vision therapy?
In a recent sermon Pastor Banning Leipscher at Jesus Culture Church spoke on church structure and the need of trials and the holy Spirit to guide us to more maturity in both community and Christianity. He pointed many churches have the structure like men’s groups, youth services, etc which is good unless used to avoid trials. He advocated adding the holy Spirit and a family of believers who have gone through the trials to complement the structure rather than avoid trials and move on to another church location, etc. That builds community.
In a recent sermon Pastor Banning Leipscher at Jesus Culture Church spoke on church structure and the need of trials and the holy Spirit to guide us to more maturity in both community and Christianity. He pointed many churches have the structure like men’s groups, youth services, etc which is good unless used to avoid trials. He advocated adding the holy Spirit and a family of believers who have gone through the trials to complement the structure rather than avoid trials and move on to another church location, etc. That builds community.
I found a parallel in what I learned in vision therapy from one of my mentors, Bob Pepper. Yes, there is a Dr. Pepper! He calls his treatment stress therapy and basses it on a mistake (the trial). The structure is the vision therapy procedures that are introduced from simple to more complex tasks. Each procedure requires the use of a particular vision task, say two eyed teaming, to successfully complete the task. Once a mistake is made by the patient (the trial) the doctor steps in with his previous experience in completing the procedure. This is like the fellow believers encouraging the patient to use the structure available. He recommends all optometrists receive vision therapy. Banning encourages believers to be part of varying services at the church. Part of the structure is the method of learning from mistakes which is three fold (possibly a coincidence with the Trinity). You 1. Stop, 2. Look at the foundation, and 3 start over allowing our subconscious directing and correcting system to take over. This is like the Holy Spirit that lives within us.
Does Ultra Violet Light Cause Cataracts?
There is a debate in my profession, actually it is a forgone conclusion. that ultraviolet light causes cataracts based on a questionable (actually not questioned by many) study of Maryland commercial fisherman. In my opinion the study lacks validity. The chief of research, Herbert Hoover (yes that’s his name), for Transitions says no study proves ultra violet causes cataracts. Yet, let’s see this from God’s perspective.
God created the eye for many other functions. One, known by few, is that the eye delivers ultra-violet light to the pituitary and hypothalamus endocrine master glands. He made a path separate from the optic nerve. He designed the lens within the eye impervious to ultraviolet light stopping a direct shot to the macula (the 20/20 spot of the eye). He suspended the lens with zonules (like strings connecting the tent cloth to a peg) with space in between to allow deflected ultra violet light to reach the path to the endocrine system. God created ultra violet light in our world and us to live within it.
Then He added Psalm 121: 6 the sun will not harm you...
Are there any questions?
There is a debate in my profession, actually it is a forgone conclusion. that ultraviolet light causes cataracts based on a questionable (actually not questioned by many) study of Maryland commercial fisherman. In my opinion the study lacks validity. The chief of research, Herbert Hoover (yes that’s his name), for Transitions says no study proves ultra violet causes cataracts. Yet, let’s see this from God’s perspective.
God created the eye for many other functions. One, known by few, is that the eye delivers ultra-violet light to the pituitary and hypothalamus endocrine master glands. He made a path separate from the optic nerve. He designed the lens within the eye impervious to ultraviolet light stopping a direct shot to the macula (the 20/20 spot of the eye). He suspended the lens with zonules (like strings connecting the tent cloth to a peg) with space in between to allow deflected ultra violet light to reach the path to the endocrine system. God created ultra violet light in our world and us to live within it.
Then He added Psalm 121: 6 the sun will not harm you...
Are there any questions?
The Biblical Cure for Nearsightedness
One day I was reading 2 Peter 1:9:
But if anyone does not have them [qualities], he is nearsighted and blind and has forgotten that he has been cleansed from his past sins. (NIV)
Peter, inspired by God, used the term “nearsighted.” On top of that, he added, “forgotten sins.” Nearsighted people tend to think in the past. Maybe God is telling me how to cure nearsightedness. So I quickly and eagerly looked back to find out what those qualities were. He lists 8 steps in 2 Pet 1:5-7 says:
“For this very reason, make every effort to add to your [1.] faith [2.]goodness; and to goodness, [3.]knowledge; and to knowledge, [4.]self-control; and to self-control, [5.]perseverance; and to perseverance, [6.]godliness; and to godliness, [7.]brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, [8.]love.” (NIV)
Now I had a formula to cure nearsightedness!
One day I was reading 2 Peter 1:9:
But if anyone does not have them [qualities], he is nearsighted and blind and has forgotten that he has been cleansed from his past sins. (NIV)
Peter, inspired by God, used the term “nearsighted.” On top of that, he added, “forgotten sins.” Nearsighted people tend to think in the past. Maybe God is telling me how to cure nearsightedness. So I quickly and eagerly looked back to find out what those qualities were. He lists 8 steps in 2 Pet 1:5-7 says:
“For this very reason, make every effort to add to your [1.] faith [2.]goodness; and to goodness, [3.]knowledge; and to knowledge, [4.]self-control; and to self-control, [5.]perseverance; and to perseverance, [6.]godliness; and to godliness, [7.]brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, [8.]love.” (NIV)
Now I had a formula to cure nearsightedness!
You as a patient has to have that God created eyes that can change and faith I, the doctor, can help.
2. Goodness informs us that God created good eyes. Yet, many doctors emphasize the bad. I always look for the good in each person’s eyes. Often what other doctors call bad really is good. They call your eyestrain bad, but as a high achiever you push your eyes. No, the pushing is not good, but motivation by your high achievement is.
Not only do I need 3. knowledge but you need to be informed why certain techniques are done. That is so important that Hosea 4: 6 states:
“My people perish from a lack of knowledge.” (KJV)
Not often do many people’s eyes cause them to perish. However, too many have overly strong nearsighted glasses, most often the result of traditional eye doctors thoughtlessly over prescribing.
“My people perish from a lack of knowledge.” (KJV)
Not often do many people’s eyes cause them to perish. However, too many have overly strong nearsighted glasses, most often the result of traditional eye doctors thoughtlessly over prescribing.
You need 4. self control to show up for appointments as well as follow the advice I give that is often contrary to your nearsighted established habits. I need self control to keep up with my field, and patiently watch many patients go through the same procedure.
You need 5. perseverance when progress seems slow. I need the same perseverance to guide you through the tough procedures that are repeated over and over before a breakthrough.
6. Godliness emphasizes that we are created in His image. Our eyes are like God’s and we need to listen to his principles for cures.
7. Brotherly kindness emphasizes the function of vision to communicate effectively and efficiently.
8. Love is the end result of developing good vision to appreciate others and the world. |
This is a condensation of five pages from my book about vision and the Bible entitled, What Would Jesus See? Hopefully you see that, not only does God heal, He has given a method for doctors to heal if they will listen. Possibly this is not limited to nearsightedness or any vision condition but to health in general. Some people refer to Leonardo DiVinci as the first optometrist. My vote for the first developmental optometrist is Peter. |
You meet more than Jesus in the present
At a recent service at Jesus Culture Church the worship team sang “Here again” by Christopher Joel Brown. The lyrics include:
Can't go back to the beginning
Can't control what tomorrow will bring
But I know here in the middle
Is the place where You promise to be
At a recent service at Jesus Culture Church the worship team sang “Here again” by Christopher Joel Brown. The lyrics include:
Can't go back to the beginning
Can't control what tomorrow will bring
But I know here in the middle
Is the place where You promise to be
This reminded me of a principle in vision therapy of performing in the present. It is one of Dr. Bob Pepper’s principles. (Click to A tribute to my mentor Bob Pepper,OD, FCOVD). Obviously the song states you meet Jesus in the present not wondering if you missed Him in the past or delaying until tomorrow. Peek performance requires concentration, staying in the present. In vision that means both eyes looking at the same time and in the same place. When reading a book you want both eyes pointing at the words on the page. If you look further than the page as if looking through the book you must pull your eyes back to the page. If you look closer than the page you must push your eyes back to the page. In both cases you are wasting energy and reducing comprehension.
A Christmas story of Love
During Sunday’s sermon Pastor Banning Leipscher compared Christmas to a love story.
During Sunday’s sermon Pastor Banning Leipscher compared Christmas to a love story.
His tender yet humorous recount of his wedding just two days after Christmas brought us from the love of a couple to the love of God for each of us.
Of course, my vision care antenna immediately went up as I remembered the scripture of 2 Pet 1:5-7 that can be interpreted as a cure for nearsightedness.
Go to The Biblical Cure for Nearsightedness above for more information. It lists 8 steps to curing nearsightedness, of which he warns in verse 9, if not followed you will be nearsighted. But if anyone does not have them [qualities], he is nearsighted. You see, the last step in curing nearsightedness is love.
Vision is more than a letter chart showing 20/20. Is it possible by enhancing your vision your ability to love can be enhanced? I think so
An Ancient prophet and modern vision therapy: Pastor Banning Leipscher at Jesus Culture Church navigated a journey of discipleship today through numerous passages. In route, he emphasized Elisha following his true assignment only after erroneously first sending Gehazi. Banning brought in a personal walk in New York’s Central park with his wife and kids as well as the 80/20 rule. Yet, he wants our church to have 80%, not 20% of us, to do 80% of the work. How? By listening to the Holy Spirit Who lets us know our assignment, who our disciple is, and whom to disciple. That way God’s assignment is passed from your disciple to you. In turn, you pass the assignment to another. His sermon reminded me of group rather than individual vision therapy. Rather than the doctor or therapist providing procedures for only one patient, care is passed on to multiple patients. They, in turn, pass on the benefits to the others present. Although individual care is effective, group seems to add more.
Do We all see enough, and can it change us? Pastor Banning Liebscher of Jesus Culture Church sat down with talented worship leaders. They were discussing the release of a new album Church Volume 1. Kim Walker-Smith talked about her song More than Enough. A portion states, “Finally, my eyes can see. You've never abandoned me.” This reminds me of Sondra* going through vision therapy. When her eyes came together as a team, she immediately stopped her OCD. She now has the opportunity to see what happened to her was not her fault when raped. Previously, she suppressed the circumstances just as she suppressed one eye in her teaming inability. This was despite five years of unsuccessful counseling. You can read her story and other stories of patients who can finally see in Success Stories and in Chapter 12 Treatment in What Would Jesus See * Not her real name to remain an ominous